J.W. Plumton letter : Puy de Dôme, France, to Wm. Nankervis, Alameda, Calif. ; ALS, 1918 July 23.


J.W. Plumton letter : Puy de Dôme, France, to Wm. Nankervis, Alameda, Calif. ; ALS, 1918 July 23.

Letter written while on active duty with the American Expeditionary Forces, thanking Nankervis for his letter and the Knights of Pythia medal sent by the Alameda Lodge. Describes beauty of the countryside in the southern, central part of France, good conditions and food, and the gradual takeover of hotels to become hospitals. He mentions that several fellows in his unit are also from Alameda.

4 p.


SNAC Resource ID: 7398182

UC Berkeley Libraries

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